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Our Latest Project-
A Story of Deep Family Secrets, 
Discovery, and Identity 

Richard Gary Kaye
Annette Schwarz Kaye

Richard (Rick) Gary Kaye’s intimate memoir is a riveting story about a devastating family secret his parents perpetuated for over 60 years.

Revelation was released August 9, 2022 and became an instant #1 Bestseller on Amazon. 

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Click here to purchase on Amazon. Available in eBook and print editions. 

See our reviews below.



Since its release on Amazon in August, 2022 Revelation has achieved Best Seller status in multiple categories including Genealogy and Memoirs.

Some of Our 5 Star Reviews

Check all our reviews on Amazon and Goodreads

 5 Stars

"Loved this! A courageous personal, fascinating page-turner! The authors take the reader on an engaging journey to find the origin of Richard (Rick) Kaye’s biological father. At the same, this mystery-solving quest packs in so much more. Filled with raw emotion and sprinkled with humor, anecdotes from Rick’s youth and stories about his parental relationship ride a fine line between entertaining and surprising.

At this book’s core is the shocking revelation from a DNA test that his heritage is not what he knew it to be throughout his entire life, and what to do with that information.

There are the big questions, “Who is my biological father, and why did my parents take this secret to their graves? Were there any clues?” Rick’s and Annette Schwarz Kaye’s seemingly impossible research slowly begins to reap answers. It’s not only remarkable what they find, but how Rick and Annette went about finding it. It’s like an education in relentless pursuit, a mastery of clever “connect-the-dots” findings, and what persistence can achieve. Without giving too much away, there’s a most satisfying not-to-missed ending.

This story, I found, will not only stick with you, but underscores the power of knowing where you came from and the meaning of family."


5 Stars

"The story of this book is the author's stunning discovery later in life that he was the son of an anonymous sperm donor and not of the father who raised him. The author takes us step by step through the process by which he was ultimately able to uncover the identity of his biological father. Kaye's book reads like a detective novel, except that it is true. The book illustrates with sensitivity and compassion the psychological and emotional aspects of the journey taken by the author to discover his biological parentage. The book is truly thought provoking, because it illuminates the perennial question of how our biological ancestry impacts our individual identity. An eminently readable and highly engrossing book." 


5 Stars

"This book is a heartfelt memoir about Rick’s life and how he dealt with the unexpected result of a different biological father on DNA testing. He and his wife did amazing detective work to find out who the biological father was. He then attempts to contact half siblings some of whom won’t believe him at first. A rapid read which deals with issues of privacy and the right to know your parentage. Highly recommended."



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